Saturday, January 23, 2010

If God exist...what would be the description or idea of God?

God exist for sure, if not, who created this world? Where does men comes from?

God is the Father, God is the Son, God is the Holy Spirit. God is here, there, everywhere. Before the world, God is. He said "I am who I am". God has more names than anyone. God created men and love men. He loves and yet He is a just and righteous God. He is the greatest healer. He is still the same God. He never changes.

God is by our sides all the time. He knows us and loves us and He longs for us to come to Him in prayer and worship Him. He is always there waiting for us, anytime, to talk to Him and tell Him our joy and problems. He also gives us a lot of promises when we read His word, the Bible. And the greatest gift of all is Jesus Christ who said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father except through me", And yet, this Jesus, has to go through shame, suffering, pain and even death on the cross!! For what? For you and me so that our sins are forgiven and through Jesus Christ we may go to our Father in heaven, who is waiting for us.

Are we talking about the same God? What do you think?

I want to end this with a joke cats and dogs that conveys their differences perfectly. A dog says," You pet me,you feed me, you shelter me,and you love me,you must be God." A cat says," You pet me, you feed me,you shelter me,and you love me,I must be God." (From Cat and dog theology)

If you are a christian, which kind are you, dog or cat?


  1. That's right, when we have a relationship with God then we will know that God does exists no matter what the rest of the world can discard who God is.

  2. Why do you say God is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit? Are you saying there are three Gods? I thought there was only one God and all religions are the same and there are many ways to God. Is Prophet Muhammad God? Please share your thoughts.

  3. Muslims will tell you that Prophet Muhammad is 100% man. This is for sure.....

  4. Kee Ming, thanks for your comment.

    There is only one God, yet God is the Father, God is the Son, God is the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus told his disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). He did not merely point the way to God. He himself claimed to be the only way to the Father and the source of eternal truth and life.

    The way to God is through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Intellectual acceptance of Christ is not enough. You must come to him determined to turn from what displeases him, with a total trust in Christ's saving power for you.

    Prophet Muhammad is a man.

  5. Explain further, why only one god yet there are three persons in ur god? isn't it a bit contradicting? the muslims believe that there is only one trinity involved..

    i think intelligence is very important and i can tell u there are theologians outside who can talk to atheist about religion with logic. intellectual acceptance of christ is important for others especially those who has a more logical cannot limit your faith only to those who blindly believe without knowing.

    "you must come to him determined to turn from what displeases him,..." so are you perfect since we have to turn away from what displeases him?

    talking about how great your god is, do you know that there are MANY times when god doesnt seem to exist? how about those who are not healed since you said he is the greatest healer? don't make christianity such a perfect religion when there are a lot of down sides..because there are times when people dont get healed, natural disasters happen and many injustice even in the church.

  6. Human are not perfect for it is written in Romans 3:23 " For all have sinned snd fall short of the glory of God". But as 1 turn to Him, i know salvation is there for me.

    TRIUNE NATURE - The one God is a single "trinity" consisting of three distinct "persons":
    FATHER, JESUS - often refered to as the Son or "the Word of God" abd THE HOLY SPIRIT.

    Christians believe in this God by FAITH. Ephesians 2:8 says "For it is by grace you have saved, through faith ..." It is a relationship we have with God as we believe Him and walk with Him.

    In Isaiah 55: 8-9 says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways are my ways" declare the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." I can only trust in Him and ask Him when i meet Him face to face in heaven on why all the things that you mentioned are happening in the world around us today.
